Sunday, May 19, 2013

Talk All You Want

I am a big fan of this TV series on Fox that I religiously watch every Monday night. Once, the main character uttered the words that bore truth about the selfishness of human beings. He said that people love to talk about other people’s lives because it makes them feel superior. Sad? Harsh? Of course! Unfortunately it’s a fact. If you are thin-skinned, you will never survive the atrocities of life.

Talking about other people’s lives makes us feel righteous, because we tend to compare our own mistakes with their mistakes. We hopelessly search for loopholes to make our lives seem more favorable than theirs. I take it that you experienced talking about other people too; it may also be called gossiping. If you already did it once or a couple of times in your life, then you should also know that when other people do that to you, you shouldn’t mind.

People will never stop talking

You must know that people were born with gossiping carefully encrypted in their genes. You must also know that people will never stop talking, especially now in our digital age where communication has accomplished great leaps of development; gossiping has never been so easy and convenient. Social networking sites have been mediums of professional stalking and gossiping in the world, plus you can now access them anytime and anywhere you want even in your smartphones.

None of your business

We should never forget that we are living in a free world, and whatever that goes on inside other people’s minds is none of our business. Each and every one of us has the freedom to think what we want to think, just as you are completely free to think what you want to think. The more you care about other’s opinions the more you give them power to ruin you. Don’t base your personal judgement to what other people thinks; you are your own person, and no one knows you better than yourself.

You can’t please everyone

Whether you be in your best behavior or not, people will still believe what they want to believe. You can’t just sway or curb someone else’s opinion by acting nice in front of him. As Dita Von Teese once said, “you can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going to be somebody who hates peaches”. Just like the latest gadgets that electronic manufacturers produce everyday, they always say that theirs is the best, but once you tried to surf the internet for reviews, you will definitely see some negative feedbacks.

Bitches will always go bitchin’ and haters will never stop hating; therefore if you hear someone talk nasty about you, brush it off, stand tall, and let it go.

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